
Three Light Portraits


The Laws of Lights and How to Break Them

Instructor: Chris Callis

                                                     Week Assignment No.4: Three Light Portrait

1. Three lights portrait:

( the final image in B+W )

This is the key light only for the portrait
(150W Tungsten)
Exposure: 1/80s    f6.3   ISO:1600
Meter exposure: 1/80s   f6.3   ISO:1600

The fill light only for the portrait
( 75W Tungsten)
Exposure: 1/80s   f6.3   ISO:1600
Meter exposure: 1/15s  f6.3  ISO:1600
(2 and half stops different to key light)

the background light only for the portrait
( 75W Tungsten )
Exposure: 1/80s   f6.3  ISO:1600
Meter Exposure: 1/20s   f6.3   ISO:1600
( 2 stops different to the key light )

1. Creative portrait with three lights

Exposure: 1/80s   f6.3   ISO:1600
Meter Exposure: 
1/80s for key light (150W Tungsten); 
1/20s for fill light(75W Tungsten); 
1/20s for back light (75W Tungsten)

