
Lighting assignment No.3

                                              LIGHTING ASSIGNMENT NO.3

Using the 250 watt halogen bulb in the equipment closet, make a portrait by selecting a quality and direction of light to communicate an emotion that you feel about a person.  Make an additional portrait that reflects the opposite feeling you have about the person.  Explain in writing the laws of light that were at work in each portrait.

In this light setting, I put the only light source over model's head as the main light, and then ask model to hold the silver reflector under her chin to play as the fill light. For the background, black one has been taken over the whole process, because I need it to absorb whole light bouncing from backward.

in this portrait, (actually there is no production photograph) I use the watt halogen over model's head at left with angle 45 dgree and defuser as the main light, and there is a white board on the right next to the model playing as the fill light source. Also, black background was taken in this portrait.




In one photograph using one light source clearly demonstrate the 3 laws of light at work. Include the light source in the photograph.

ISO:160   35mm  F/7.1  1/13 sec


Lighting class No.1

Lighting Class Assignment No.1: Inverse Square Law

       1.Using 3 identical 4x5 grey cards set 1 foot apart, overlapping slightly and placed at a 45 degree angle from the camera angle. Make 4 photographs of the cards with the light 2 feet, 4 feet, 8 feet, and 16 feet from the middle card. Use an incident meter on the middle card to give the correct exposure. The middle card should have the same value on each photograph.

   2.Use 3 4x5 cards a black card in front, a grey card in the middle and a white card in the back. Using the same single point source make all 3 cards appear to be the same value. You can move the cards and the light source until it works.

 Black, Grey and White card are in Grey

2 feet from 3 Grey cards

4 feet from 3 Grey cards

8 feet from 3 Grey cards

16 feet from 3 Grey cards