
Assignment 13 Night Photography


Assignment 13 Night Photography

Camera Exposure:
134" sec  F11 ISO 100

Assignment 14: The image I want to emulate ( From Irving Penn)


Assignment 12 Stop Action


                                             Assignment 12 Stop Action 

                                                Instructor: Chris Callis


                                Camera Exposure: 1/160 sec.   f 10  ISO 100


Week 11 Light Painting

Week 11 Light Painting

                                                    Light painting with a small LED flashlight

                          Multiple captures using a Canon Speedlite 600EX from different positions then                                                                               combined as layers in Photoshop


Week 10 assignment

Lesson 10 Using the Canon Speedlite ST-E3-RTand the 600EX-RT with the Canon 5DMIII

Upper Left: [ETTL All] 2 Slaves in Extra-Small Softbox, No Flash Compensation

Upper Right: [ETTL All Ratio] A:B=4:1, C=-3, -1 Flash Compensation

Lower Left: [Gr All Manual] A=1/4-(1/3), B=1/16-(1/3), C=1/64, -1 Flash Compensation

Lower Right: [Gr] A=ETTL, B=M[1/16-(1/3)], C=Ext.A, No Flash Compensation

Camera Setting: 1/125s, f/6.3, ISO100
Canon Mark2 + ST-E3-RT and 600EX-RT

                                          [ETTL All] 2 Slaves in Extra-Small Softbox, No Flash Compensation

                                                [ETTL All Ratio] A:B=4:1, C=-3, -1 Flash Compensation

[Gr All Manual] A=1/4-(1/3), B=1/16-(1/3), C=1/64, -1 Flash Compensation


                                                          [Gr] A=ETTL, B=M[1/16-(1/3)], C=Ext.A, No Flash Compensation



                                                                                             Gr with all in Manual

Gr with A in ETTL, B in Manual, and C in Ext A

                                                                                                Camerca setting


Assignment 9 Canon Dedicated Flash

Assignment 9 Canon Dedicated Flash

Direct Flash on Camera, Priority setting: 1/60s f4.0 ISO 400

Direct Flash Off Camera, Priority Setting: 2sec. f4.0 ISO100

 Flash Fill, Aperture Priority: 2.5sec f4.0 ISO100

 Flash with White Foam Reflector  Priority Setting: 1/60s f6.3 ISO400